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Expand Your Visibility and Influence

Authority Marketing and Smart SEO

Be the Powerful Voice in Your Community

We position you to be the recognized and credible brand in the content your target audience is consuming

Be an Expert

Be an expert in a monthly collaboration column where we Ask the Experts questions about your business niche and local area to connect you with your target audience. 

Be an Influencer

Be the influencer with your own monthly column showcasing your expertise in your niche  – written, optimized and promoted for you to build credibility and trust with your target audience.

Be the Authority

Expand your reach and build authority with weekly ongoing content across multiple topics. Showcase your expertise in your niche – written for you, SEO optimized and published to build credibility and trust with your target audience. Be the Voice and authority in your niche.

High Visibility on a Community Media Site

Single Guest posts are no longer enough. Building your websites SEO is not enough. The next level in content marketing is building credibility and visibility as part of a community on a popular media website. You become a trusted and recognized brand in a growing community. Local collaboration marketing strategies grow our content bringing more traffic, higher rankings and more clients trusting your brand. Even better than just SEO, guest posts and backlinks, our content grows over time.

Sample Blog Columns

  • Orlando Lifestyle
  • Things to Do in [city] for Families
  • Exploring outdoors in [region]
  • [city] Luxury Lifestyle
  • Living the Retirement Lifestyle in [city]
  • Florida Landlord – Tenant Law: ASK the Experts
  • Florida Gardening
  • Florida Pool Care
  • Florida Home Renovation Tips
  • Florida Handyman Home Care Tips
  • Florida Healthy Living

Learn more about suggested topics for your business type

Here’s How it Works

#1: Information Gathering

We use Smart AI Technology to scan your websites content, combine that with content you provide us, your goals, target audience, and services, and we put together a 12-month content growth and influencer strategy based on your budget, goals, and niche.

#2: Articles that Showcase Your Knowlegde & Connect with Community

We position you as the expert in your community in your niche by creating articles in an ongoing topic column that showcases your knowledge, shares your love of community, and puts you in front of your target audience in a positive, influencial way.

#3: Expanding your Visibility as an Authority

Utilizing top SEO strategies, ongoing martketing and media cross-promotions, we draw more attention to your brand. Not a one-off guest post that falls into the internet content pit, this column grows and builds more influence over time.

We are your Digital Content Marketing Partners

Build Credibility with an Ongoing Blog Column

The future of effective SEO combines long-term content marketing with cutting-edge innovation in digital marketing.

At The Smart Sites Digital, our emphasis is on creating compelling  content in a community column that showcases you, your expertise or your support of your topic to your target audience. 

Join Our Community and Elevate Your Brand

How we are different

We are publishers who maintain media websites with growing communities that are informative and offer content that your target audience is consuming. Our focus is on creating longevity in content with columns on topics that grow week after week and month after month.

We are masters at online media and content marketing. We are not a full service agency offering multiple marketing services (we work with agencies). We focus on one thing and do it masterfully… Growing Content Authority

By ghost writing a column in your name, or sourcing/referencing your business as an information source or sponsor, you become the recognized brand in your niche.

We want to make you the influencer and authority! Our writers step back and put you in the spotlight.

Some of Our Website Communities

More States Available Soon

Our goal is to bring remarkable value to your business while continuing to provide great content for our readers. 

Stop falling into the internet content pit and start with the next generation content branding

With millions of people doing the same SEO content, how can you keep up and be seen and heard? Single guest posts on sites that may not exist in a year are not the answer. AI content or following the same SEO content rules that a hundred thousand people are also doing, is not the answer.

The future of brand building is with an ongoing content topic column in a community that grows over time creating brand authority in your niche.

Authority Marketing

Why not just continue adding content to my own site?

You should! Ongoing content is vital for being found and increasing your SEM goals. As an expert in an ASK the Experts column or Influencer / Authority with your own column, we send our readers directly to your website for more information. It is a win-win combination to gain real SEO value, more clicks to your own website content, and more clients coming to your website who already trust you.

If you do not have correlating content on your website, we offer an affordable integrated solution to creating follow-up content on your website to click thru to from our media website article. This creates a massive bump in SEO and client trust! 

What are the options for backlinks?

We are compliant with Google in order to keep the integrity of our websites. We are not the option for you if you are looking for one time backlinks. We are creating long-term credible content with you as a useful source for our readers.  We are creating well researched and compelling content that is helpful to our readers which is more favorable than a single backlink to Google. Our focus is on providing a good resource for readers that leads them to your expertise. And because of that, our content will remain credible and valid and more SEO friendly short and long term.

Can I submit a Guest Post & how does this compare?

We do not accept one-time guests post for backlink purposes. If you have an article that will be valuable to our readers and is approved as such by our senior editor, we may publish it. WE DO NOT ACCEPT PAID GUEST POSTS. Google is getting wise to the sites that are accepting payment for the single purpose of backlinks. The idea of google ranking a site higher for a backlink, is that they are being talked about or offering credible content that is published on a site other than their own. With googles new updates, backlinks for SEO only is not favorable.

As a Smart Sites Influencer, you become a legitimate voice in our community within your niche. You are building a real presence that can't be knocked down by the millions of pieces of AI blogs that are being produced and you will gain real backlinks that google favors as an expert in our community. We are your writing team. You are paying for our writing, publication and marketing services. 

How do you choose the topics for each article?

For our Influencer and Autority Blogs, every topic is chosen by our marketing team combining our expertise, research, Google Trends, SMART AI Technology, and your individual goals and target audience.

For our ASK the Experts Columns, we research the top questions asked in your niche in multiple platforms including Google, Reddit, Quora, and other social sites to determine the most popular topics and questions within your niche. You are welcome to suggest topics from questions you most get asked by potential clients.


What is the difference between ASK the Experts Columns and Influencer / Authority Columns?

Each provides Influencer opportunities to build your online voice and showcase your expertise.

ASK the Experts (& Locals) Columns are a collaboration of experts across the state in one column. We ask experts questions and share the answers in one article to give different advise and perspectives. Articles will include topics such as "What our Experts are saying about Luxury Real Estate in their region," and "ASK the Experts: What's Your Favorite Local Outdoors Activity? " This puts you in various local and niche content with other professionals to connect you with your target audience. As part of our ASK the Experts community, you gain value and save through shared costs. (Most Affordable)

Influencer Columns are your own column of articles on your business topic, ghost written for you. With an ongoing monthly column that is written in your voice showcasing your expertise, marketed and cross promoted for you, you become the recognized and trusted brand. For example, a Real estate agent can choose a local area, such as Orlando, and be the authority on Local Communities and top Orlando activities. 

Authority Columns take Influencer to a higher visibility and authoritative level with a weekly blog that showcases your knowledge, community connectivity, and creates brand authority within your niche.

Influencer Columns take the pressure off of you to come up with topics, find places to publish the article, make sure it is SEO optimized and can be found, and make sure it is promoted and seen by your target audience.

Why are the ASK Columns so affordable?

One word. Collaboration.

Our ASK the Experts and Locals Columns include advise and tips from experts across the state. By being a part of a collaboration of experts and locals in one column, we can do more for less out of your individual pocket. The expense of our writing, marketing and SEO teams is shared across multiple people allowing you to benefit as if you were paying over $1,000/month for a fraction of the cost.

How does the ASK the Experts collaboration with other experts work?

We look for businesses in various locations across the state and across various niches. Each is included with specific answers and tips to gain trust in your local area. By collaborating, you are receiving over $1,000 worth of marketing at a fraction of the cost.


ASK 5 Landlord/Tenant Attorneys in Florida
- will include 5 lawyers from different locations around Florida.

ASK 5 Orlando Locals (various topics such as favorite parks, arts, events, foods, etc)
- will include 5 professionals from various niches such as a dentist, lawyer, real estate agent, entrepreneur, educator.

These are just examples to demonstrate the power of collaboration to be the expert in your niche and build your online authority.

What are the benefits of the Influencer and Authority packages?

We research, strategize choosing the best keywords and articles to attract your target audience, and the position you as the expert. With an ongoing column in your name, business name or as a referenced source, you become the recognized name for your niche in the content that your audience is consuming naturally. 

You benefit from a complete marketing team working to make you stand out and be the authority in your field of expertise. 

Why is your content more costly than hiring a freelance writer?

This is not just words we are providing for you. You are getting :

  • a content strategist who will research your goals, industry, trends in the market, and keywords and create a 12 month startegy for targeting your ideal clients.
  • a high-end writer who will create unique and compelling content in your voice.
  • a graphic editor who will add images to the content to create better retention in the content and better click rates.
  • a marketing team who will provide SEO, promotions and social posts to expand the reach of each article.
  • and a manager who will work with your team to keep you updated and make adjustments as needed.
  • AND bonus! You get priority publishing on a high-end media site with your own column that will increase your online credibility and presence more and more over time. 

A freelance writer will provide the article only. Everything else is up to you. Getting published on a ranking website costs more money. Graphics and images take time and cost more money. Marketing and promotions cost more money. Hiring a content strategist is also a high-end expense. 

Because we are experts with a streamlined process and own our own media sites, we can provide $2,000 worth of services for a quarter of the price. 

What do you need from me?

Our consultant will reach out with questions for you to answer. For each question, if you have a page on your website that pertains to the topic, you can include that page for more details. We will include a link to that specific page which helps with your SEO as well. Once you supply the answers to our article column questions, you sit back and we get to work.

Our strategist will create a 12-month plan for your approval then we will start growing your online authority! 

Why do you only offer a 12 month minimum contract?

We are a media company with online information and magazine style websites. This is a long-term marketing plan that grows your online credibility and voice in your community. We are looking for businesses who want to legitimately grow their influence by being the source of information in their niche. This is not a guest post one and done plan and if that is what your are looking for, this is not for you.  We are creating influencers across communities. It requires a long-term commitment to growing your online presence, influence and credibility.

All content remains live for at least 5 years provided the links to your site remain valid. Even if you give up your spot as an expert, your previous answers will remain as part of the column content and will continue to rank and increase your SEO value.

Our influencer packages are for companies who are looking for a long-term approach to reaching their audience in a natural way where they can connect and bring their voice to the community.

How long will it take to get results?

As soon as the first article is published, you will start to gain both an SEO boost and build a credibility for your business. The process to get the first article published takes about 30-60 days depending on your responsiveness to the questions our editors ask.

After the first couple months are complete, we start to cross promote the column across our website, other partner sites, press release, social media and videos. This creates an exponential growing affect.

As the articles within your column increase, it becomes a column that people come to and connect with you. This takes longer and is a long-term strategy to build your influence and authority. As this is growing, each individual article will be getting the more immediate SEO benefits.

What happens if I don't renew after the first year?

Your content from the first year will remain as part of the column articles on the topic or niche, so your backlinks and credibility will not go away. However, the idea of building more than just SEO and becoming a voice in our community as the expert in your niche, is a long-term approach and is best when you continue.

What is the cost?

Your cost covers our writers and marketers who create content for your business. We offer multiple options from 1 column per month to daily content. By collaborating in an ASK the Experts column, the prices start as low as $325/month during our Introductory Promotions (a $1,200 value that includes research, content strategy and targeted promotions). We create a package that fits your budget and your goals that includes promoting your brand, marketing across multiple media, ongoing content and publication to keep you relevant and in front of your target market.

Click here to inquire and get started

Build your Influence and Authority

As part of a growing community with your own topic blog column, your business becomes the recognized voice in your niche. As part of a media website, you reach your targeted audience through the media they are consuming placing your brand as the authority on your topic and local community. The majority of people trust a brand and purchase more from a brand when they read credible content on another website.

This innovative Authority Marketing strategy results in higher ranking, more visibility, more trafiic and more qualified customers.

Claim your voice in your niche market!

Get Started Now

We Make it Easy!

Step 1

Complete the Get Started form and choose your package. Our team will review your details and start working on research and strategy. 

Step 2

You approve our content startegy plan and then you sit back and relax while we write, publish and promote unique and creative content focusing on your target audience with you as the expert. 

Step 3

Every month we send you a link to the content so that you can also showcase it on your site and social platforms. We listen and work with you to tweak any keywords and content to fit your goals.

Join the Future of Online Marketing

The Smart Sites

Join Our Community and let us show you how we can help to elevate your brands voice online

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